Coaching Services

Life can be demanding, making it challenging to find that balance between work responsibilities and overall wellness. Having a coach by your side to guide you toward your leadership and personal goals is a gift for finding the balance.

What sets our program apart is its unique and powerful use of a trauma-informed approach at the intersection of womanism. Through this approach, we establish individual wellness practices that empower us to embrace our wholeness, wellness, and freedom. As a result, we can fully engage in our daily activities as our full and authentic selves.


Why Coaching

At times, balancing work responsibilities and wellness can prove challenging. That's why having a coach to guide you toward your leadership and personal goals is truly a gift to yourself.

This program stands out for its use of a trauma-informed approach in establishing individual wellness practices. These practices not only enhance our capacity to feel whole, well, and free but also empower us to engage fully in our everyday activities as our authentic selves.

Coaching empowers you to:

  • Identify personal and professional goals

  • Envision your future and plan for it

  • Develop wellness strategies to prevent burnout

  • Overcome limiting beliefs

And that's just the beginning.


How It Works

Let's engage in a conversation about your professional and personal goals. Whether it's exploring your leadership style, navigating a significant work shift, creating a wellness plan, or seizing a new opportunity – together, we'll identify your objectives and embark on a journey that's both progress-based and outcome-driven to manifest those aspirations.

Before we begin, you get to choose the coaching path that best resonates with you:

  • Wholeness Coaching

  • Transformative Leadership Coaching

One client shared their experience, stating, "I feel more free" after going through the coaching process.


What To Expect

A coaching session presents a unique opportunity to embrace critical thinking, introspection, and imaginative exploration, all of which will guide you in establishing, manifesting, and sustaining your goals. The coaching process includes:

  • A Deep Listening Session

  • Weekly Sacred Pause

  • Weekly or Bi-Weekly Coaching Sessions

Together, these components create a transformative space for your personal and professional growth journey.


Coaching does not serve as a replacement for medical or therapeutic intervention. If you have concerns beyond the scope of coaching, we strongly advise you to consult with your medical professional for appropriate guidance.

Please be aware that we are mandated reporters, meaning we are obligated to report any instances of abuse or neglect.

If you are currently experiencing abuse or neglect, this program is committed to providing resources and support to help you navigate through these challenging situations. Your well-being is of utmost importance to us, and we are here to care for you in any way we can.

Organizational Services

Strategic Planning

Identify critical strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to develop action plans that will support your organization or company in achieving its goals.

Organizational Assessment

Using a trauma-informed approach to identify organizational strengths or gaps that inform an organization's current performance and can be leveraged to improve future performance and overall thriving.

Program or Project Development

An ongoing, comprehensive planning process that involves imagining, planning, implementing, and evaluating organizational programs and projects.

Culture Shift

Growing the organizational culture to be in alignment with its organizational values and organizational goals.



Designing tailored workshops, retreats, and strategy meetings to foster profound thinking, meaningful conversations, and heightened creativity. The ultimate aim of facilitation at this level is to enhance relationships, clarify strategy, and ignite a culture shift that leads to substantial organizational impact.

The facilitation process involves crafting a customized plan that carefully considers your organization's requests and needs assessment. Whether through in-person or virtual gatherings, our formats are designed to meet your organizational objectives effectively. You may consider facilitation for a range of purposes, such as:

  • Board Retreat

  • Team Building Workshops

  • Navigating Tough Conversations

  • Strategic Planning

    and more.

Allow us to guide your organization toward extraordinary growth and success through our facilitation services.